Please complete this onboarding questionnaire to the best of your ability. Providing this information significantly increases the effectiveness of our digital marketing services and prevents unnecessary delay in getting your project up and running.
Company Name
Contact Name(s), Title/Role?
Your Website URL
Your Email / Phone number
Primary office phone number
Primary business email address
Primary office address
Any additional office locations? Please list each address
Preferred method of communication?
Year your business was founded
Total number of employees
Please list your office opening hours for each day of the week
What have you tried in marketing that has worked?
How are you getting the majority of your business now? How do most people hear about your business?
What SEO activities have you conducted in the past?
What social media activities have you conducted in the past?
What offline marketing activies have you conducted in the past?
Top Competitors in the Area (please list)
What marketing do you feel has or could work for you? Please explain?
What marketing services are you interested in trying?
What barriers/challenges have you met that have stopped you from achieving your marketing goals so far?
If you are dissatisfied with your current marketing, what is the primary reason for your lack of satisfaction?
Being as specific as possible, if you were to fast forward three years into the future, what do you feel has to happen in your marketing for you to feel happy with your progress?
Have you worked with a digital marketing agency in the past? If so, describe this experience.
Do you have a specific person(s) responsible for managing marketing?
What is your estimated average customer lifetime value?
What keywords do you wish to rank for or bid for on Google. We will analyse these keywords and advise you on the terms you need to target for best results/ROI.
List each website address you wish to promote.
What is your average monthly ad spend with Google Ads?
Please list your main business services in order of importance. Please list the webpage for each service if one already exists on your website
What locations do you wish to advertise within? Please list in order of importance.
What’s your most profitable line of business?
Are you satisfied with your current website? If you are not satisfied, please briefly explain why
Who's your target audience? Primary, secondary?
How would you describe your ideal customer?
What part of the market do you think you are missing?
Website login (username/pw)?
Google Ads/Analytics login (username/pw)?
Other important logins
What marketing services are you interested in exploring?
What keywords do you wish to rank for or bid for on Google and other search engines. Please list the main terms in order of importance to you.
Time's up